
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Mile High Porn

Last year this blog was all over the story that revealed Labour MP Shane "Tugger" Jones's nastly habit of watching pornographic movies while staying at hotels. While I appreciated that Jones was one-handedly supporting the accommodation industry by purchasing added value services,  it was difficult to qualify why the public purse should pay for an off-task hobby performed behind closed curtains in darkened hotel rooms.

It is interesting to note that demand for adult pay movies in hotels is waning as guests turn to the internet. I'm sure a cursory search of bookmarks on Jones's laptop would reveal all sorts of interesting websites;-)

Up until recently regular travelers like Jones needed to wait between porn-fixes with the lack of internet connectivity while in-flight - this must be extremely frustrating. With this in mind, I was interested to learn that  Qantas have spiced up their in-flight entertainment selection of movies and this is likely to get the Shane Jones seal of approval.

A French-made documentary called The Female Orgasm Explained has been inexplicably slipped into the Qantas's television options.

Apparently this is proving to be a popular selection and I wonder if we will soon see a hotel style adult pay-per-view service available on commercial flights? Imagine the horror of being assigned a seat on a plane within spitting distance of Shane Jones...

As a serious blog that keeps up to date with travel trends we had to see what the fuss was about: