After a hard evening "networking" a guest that was attending an off-site conference arrived back to his motel room late at night and decided to try out the in-room spa bath.
After starting to fill the spa bath and undressing, the guest was feeling a bit weary and decided to lie on top of his bed for a wee rest before he took the plunge.
About 2-hours later, a resident in the downstairs guest room noticed water pouring from his ceiling and alerted the motelier.
The motelier gained access to the upstairs unit and accompanied with another resident was greeted with a wave of water as he opened the door. The bath tap was still running and the room was full of steam.
The entire room was flooded with several inches of water. The motelier and his accomplice were able to stop the flow of water, remove some of the furniture and mop up most of the water. At some stage towards the end of the late-night clean-up operation, the hapless naked guest that was oblivious to the ciaos surrounding him was awoken.
It is unclear exactly what tone and lauguuge the motelier used, however it was suggested that the humbled guest join another conference delegete staying at the motel for the rest of ther night.
Apparently a $1300.00 bill was generated to cover the late night mishap.