That mantle has been passed to current CEO for start-up Yahoo!Xtra, Kevin Bowler.
Bowler's previous position was General Manager Consumer Marketing for Telecom New Zealand. His experience includes senior management roles in major food and beverage companies, and in the advertising industry directing accounts for Air New Zealand and Cadbury.
We predicted that George Hickton, outgoing CEO of Tourism New Zealand would be gone by the end of the year in our early June 2009 post: HERE.
"We predicted that there would be a necessary shakeup at Tourism NZ and in order for this to happen, Hickton needs to go. An industry insider has informed us that this will likely occur before the end of this year. Watch this space."George Hickton announced his retirement late June 2009 and is to depart on 1 December this year. Hickton has been a popular face of Tourism New Zealand and has led through the last 10-years of positive growth.
Bowler has the challenge of "freshening and reinvigorating" 100% Pure NZ. The iconic branding's effectiveness has grown to mythical proportions within the NZ tourism industry and any nessessary change will cause ripples.
In order to secure future public funding streams under the current government regime, Bowler will need to move resource from the back office to the front and demonstrate clear returns on "investment." TNZ's middle-management will have a nervous Christmas awaiting Bowler's early January 2010 commencemnt of the role.
Clearly a few challenges await that will ruffle a few feathers.
21 September 2009
Tourism New Zealand Chairman Greg Muir has today announced the appointment of Kevin Bowler as its new CEO.
Mr Bowler has extensive marketing and business leadership experience spanning fast moving consumer goods, technology and media brands in New Zealand and overseas.
He is currently CEO for start-up Yahoo!Xtra, a JV between Yahoo!7 and Telecom. During this period Mr Bowler has taken a leadership role in the digital communications industry chairing the NZ Interactive Advertising Bureau since 2008.
Chairman Greg Muir said that interest in the role had been strong with an impressive lineup of candidates. "There was a great deal of interest in this role both from within New Zealand and offshore which is a mark of the reputation that Tourism New Zealand has established."
"We were looking for someone with demonstrable leadership skills and someone who understands the value of brands, the opportunities that the online environment offers and the challenges of operating on a global stage," he said.
Mr Bowler will be based in Tourism New Zealand's Auckland office and will spread his time between Wellington and Auckland offices.
Prior to Yahoo!Xtra, Kevin spent several years with Telecom, initially leading the marketing led resurgence in mobile with initiatives like T3G and $10txt, then moving on to lead marketing across Telecom's whole consumer business.
He worked in fast moving consumer goods marketing and general management both in NZ with Unilever and NZ Dairy Foods and in the UK with Rank Hovis McDougall Foods. He also has experience in advertising account management supporting Air New Zealand whilst at HDM Mattingly and Cadbury whilst with DDB.
Mr Bowler will take up his new role in early January.
In announcing the new appointment Mr Muir acknowledged outgoing Chief Executive George Hickton.
"George and the team have done an outstanding job over the last decade positioning New Zealand as one of the best places to visit worldwide. Even this week New Zealand was, once again, voted the best destination brand."
Source: Click HERE