Friday, December 9, 2011
Public Freak Shows
When I wrote a post last month: Operating A Motel Has Its Privileges, a few people accused me of taking the p*ss.
The gist of the post was that moteliers are fortunate that the majority of the traveling public that stay with them are good folk when compared to the broader customer base that other customer service sectors are compelled to interact with. I stand by this premise.
A dear reader sent me a link to the People of Walmart, a website that provides an inspiring platform for user-generated content that captures and ridicules the rise of American trash culture found stomping around the aisles of Walmart.
If I had the time to expand my vast social network, I would set-up a Kiwi version devoted to capturing the swelling heaving masses that regularly mooch around the aisles of Pak N Save and The Warehouse. I reckon there'd be no shortage of material...