After exposing Winston, Hide is now taking on the role as the only voice of reason in parliament on climate change.
Hide was reported in the National Review as saying that, "climate change and global warming was a hoax".
"The data and the hypothesis do not hold together," he said.
"Al Gore is a phoney and a fraud on this issue and the emissions trading scheme is a worldwide scam and a swindle."
Mr Hide said enacting the Emissions Trading and Renewable Preference legislation would cost New Zealand dearly by driving up the cost of basic goods and ruining businesses and farmers.
"The impact is truly shocking...all we have is a computer model, the answers are written on assumptions."
It is refreshing to hear reasoned comments on this issue from a political leader. National will be terrified to slip up with the election looming and it will be interesting to watch how they will be communicating their position over the coming weeks.
To read the full article in the National Business review click here.