Monday, December 22, 2008
Have a profitable, safe and enjoyable Xmas and New Year!
My, my hasn't the year flown by. It's hard to believe that it is Xmas already.... Yeah right! Let's end the dreaded family Xmas form letter right now!
Xmas can be a "different" time for moteliers. This didn't dawn on me until I had to explain what Xmas was all about to our new motel managers many years ago.
After a flurry of end of year activity, most businesses have a chance to reflect on the year and charge-up the batteries before the work next year commences. Most businesses simply close down (at least for the statutory holidays) and go to the beach. Not in the motel industry!
Being open 365 days of the year can be challenging and Xmas day can bring home to moteliers the realisation of their commitment to the business. As a motelier, often you are unable to attend the yearly family rotated Xmas gathering or worse, you are unable to escape family members descending upon you!
Thanks to many that have supported us. The phone calls, emails and the odd comments on this blog are appreciated. Most of you tend to get what we are saying...
The Motella will be focusing on his day job for a while.
May you all have a profitable, safe and enjoyable Xmas and New Year - 2009 is going to be a blast!